Date / -15-09-2020


Report By ✍️ Srinibash Rout 🌐 

 The incident took place at Quarantine Center.  A coroner has committed suicide.  Police in riot gear stormed a rally on Friday, removing hundreds of protesters by truck.  The deceased was identified as Madhusudan Das, 24, son of Pradeep Kumar Das of Rayabahadur Lenj under Kumvarpada police station.  The incident has caused a stir in the city.

 Madhusudan had been suffering from cancer for a long time, police said.  He was diagnosed with coronary heart disease a few days later.  After being positively identified, he was admitted to the Quarantine Center at the Romani Hotel9 under the beach police station.  Madhusudan lived with his mother.  Madhusudan entered the bathroom late Sunday night while his mother was asleep.  Everyone thought he was going to the toilet.  But with a blade he had nearby, Madhusudan cut multiple places in his hand.  As a result, the veins were severely bleeding.  Her mother knocked on the door as she had not been out of the bathroom for a long time.  However, the door was unlocked because it was not locked.  The floor was soaked in blood while Madhusudan was fainting inside.

 He was rushed to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead at the scene.  Police confiscated the body and filed a case of manslaughter (18.20).  After autopsy, the body was cremated.  However, he was previously diagnosed with cancer and later lost his mental balance for Corona, police said.

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