Resident doctor recorded a video of the medical student in the bathroom and ate well.

 Date / -13-09-2020


 The scene of a medical student taking a bath at a SCBMCH hospital has caused a stir on the mobile phone of a resident.  The incident has provoked a backlash from medical students.  The video was allegedly taken by a doctor who allegedly stabbed a student, and the college authorities were notified of the incident, citing the reputation of the Medical College Hospital and the student's privacy.  It is learned that the medical student has not lodged a complaint with the police in this regard.  According to reports, the isolation ward has a separate isolation chamber for doctors to serve.  A medical student living in the isolation chamber was chased by a resident doctor while on her way to the bathroom to bathe.  While the medical student was bathing, on the other hand, she climbed half the wall of a bathroom, and the concerned resident's doctor reportedly recorded a video of her bathing time.  The medical student shouted after the video recording incident caught his eye.  The videographer fled the scene.  Hearing the student's voice, the student's other roommates from the top floor arrived and understood the incident, which caused a stir near the isolation chamber where the doctor was staying.  The students then checked the CCTV footage on the porch.  CCTV footage showed a resident of the hospital suspecting the doctor's movements and checking his mobile phone to find evidence of a video recording of the medical student.  The students deleted the recorded video and provided a good medium.  Authorities opposed the protest with all available police forces, special services and the army, "said Roni Bar-On, a Member of the Knesset for Kadima.

 Report By 📍 Srinibash Rout   socialnewsodia 🌐

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