Date / -13-09-2020
Today is the All India NEET Test. 37,000 students will appear for the exams at 93 centers across the state. However, the National Testing Agency (SOP) has said that students who are positive cannot take the exam today. The exam will be held on another day for students who have a positive corona. A new date will be set for him after the trial ends today, the agency said. Such a decision appears to have been made for the safety of other examinees. The coroner-in-charge has been instructed to inform the NTA.
Corona will send a positive report with an admit card. The NTA can be emailed at The state government, meanwhile, has taken over the management of the NET. Arrangements have been made for transportation and accommodation by the administration. Medical teams have been deployed to the residence with student thermal scanning. The exam will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. today. The entry gate will open at 12.30 p.m.
Srinivasa Raut