
 Date / -16-09-2020


 Miluni Network.  A 15-kilometer walk through the woods in search of a network to read the text.  Similar cases have been reported in the hilly and central hilly areas of Ganjam, Kandhamal and Gajapati districts.  The area includes Indragad panchayat in Raikia block of Kandhamal and Baibali panchayat in Ganjam.  As the school has not been opened due to the corona, students have been asked to take lessons online and train teachers through the chocolate app.  However, the lack of a network in the village has affected students' learning and teacher training.

 Some teachers came together to solve the problem and first searched for the network.  Then came a network within the forest about 15 km from the village.  The teachers went there and trained through the chocolate app.  When the news reached the village, some ninth and tenth graders from the two panchayats went and took classes online.  "If it rains, the network will be cut off," he said.  In addition, not everyone has a mobile phone, so many students are seen reading one mobile phone.  In such a situation, the children are worried about how to read.

 Srinibash Rout