
 Date / -16-09-2020

 Excessive gaming can lead to mental illness.  Psychologists have given some shocking information.  Because nowadays a lot of people like to play games on mobile.  It's also said that if you don't play the game, you can't sleep.  So if you are accustomed to gaming, then taking these 5 ways can make gaming practice a long way off.

 Mental illness can be caused by playing too many games!

 Psychiatrists shock report

 The game is the main reason for the imbalance !!

 Meanwhile, the Indian government has banned 118 Chinese apps, including the Pabji game.  The ban on pub games is good news for India.  India has the largest number of users in the world.  The practice of this game shows the children a bad pace.  Experts believe that the game is detrimental to children's mental balance.

 Mental Health Experts have praised the Indian government's move.  On the other hand, according to the Censor Tower report, more than 63 crore people have downloaded pub games worldwide.  Of these, 23.8 per cent were downloaded in India alone.

 How do you do all this cool stuff in a game?

 People become accustomed to playing games every day.  Because they enjoy playing games when they have a little time.  According to doctors, the game has many challenges, so children are easily involved.  And since the results of hand-to-hand games are known in a short period of time, children spend more time and entertain them.

 Your child is addicted to sports !!  How do you know?

 People become accustomed to playing games every day.  Because they enjoy playing games when they have a little time.  According to doctors, the game has many challenges, so children are easily involved.  And since the results of hand-to-hand games are known in a short period of time, children spend more time and entertain them.

 Your child is addicted to sports !!  How do you know?

 Parents are worried about abstaining from their daily gaming habits.  So how do you do all this cool stuff?

 Anger or irritability

 Parents need to be careful if your child is always busy playing games or if there is a change in their behavior.  Because in such a situation the children get irritated and angry at the little things.

 Daily routine is not good

 If a person is addicted to games, he or she spends more time playing games than he or she does.  So it is important to work with caution.

 Don't worry about it

 Not only are children involved in the game, but young people and adults alike are losing themselves in the game.  If a person is not able to work as before, only giving time on the phone, they will know that it is a symptom of game addiction.

 Don't worry about reading the text

 These symptoms are very common in children.  But if the child is spending more time on the phone than reading the text, we will know that the child is game addicted.  However, homework at school cannot be done properly by children at such times.

 Reduce the mix

 Children with game addicts spend most of their time on the phone.  During this time they do not like to interact with anyone.  Because they always keep their brains connected to the game.

 So if you see any of these symptoms, you can tell if your child has a game addict.

 Srinivasa Raut (436-43175)